Tuesday, January 25, 2011

::three::via phone

day three of this photo project
falls conveniently on tuesday,
aka the what's-on-my-phone?! link up...

i'm going to kill two birds with one phone.
here's my photo for today, and then some!
but don't get greedy....i'm reverting back to the one-a-day quota after this.

and if you haven't visited jess for the link up,
you should.
she's fun, and a babe, and a mom to five kids.
triple threat!

these shots are from the second part of my trip:
vegas, baby.
i love this city - you never know what you'll see.
like steven seagal....at a gun show.

...ok, not that surprising, i guess.

but then there's stormtroopers on the sidewalk...

or an indoor waterfall...

and if it's not shocking,
then it's just a scene.
like this chinese garden in the bellagio:

or this foyer display in the venetian,
where i was working:

or this life-sized, swarovski-studded stallion:

is any of this really necessary?
nope - none of it is.
and that is the point of vegas.
it screams, "pay attention to meeeeee!"
and like a gorgeous, illuminated train wreck,
you can't not look at it.
love love love this place.
now link up, folks!


Sailor Bride said...

We were in Vegas for a day, on the outskirts of suburbia, and went down to the strip at night- oh man, not for us! If we saw any of this cool stuff though, it would have been so much better!

Kara said...

I've never really been to Vegas, so on our way from Missouri to So Cal last summer, hubby made a point to drive down the strip for me. We need to go back once we get back to the states!

Anonymous said...

oh Vegas. I wanna go just to see what the hype is about! is it really worth it??

beth @ {expeditionaryfamily} said...

You have to try it at least once, even if just to say you did. the food is really amazing, so take yourselves out for a romantic dinner and kiss your husband in front of the bellagio fountain!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

ooooooooooh ahhhhhhhhhh. everything is so fun and sparkly. i wanna come and play now!!!!

thanks for the babe compliment altho i may beg to differ.

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