Thursday, March 3, 2011

::twenty eight::a vicarious post

{dear husband}
we've been emailing lately about what we'll do when you get home.
crazy to think there''ll eventually be such a day.

and what am i doing until then?
after my daily run,
you can find me here:

i. writing you an email
ii. reading wayyyyy too many blogs
iii. searching for flights to beijing
iv. listening to the news about all the incredible things
that make your days so long
v. homework, homework, homework.

[picture yourself here.]
i miss you


erika said...

I remember months of those kinds of days.

Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

You are a runner? We have so much in common. Well, two things.

Candace said...

Wow! You look way to gorgeous to have just finished running!! I know exactly how u feel. Hope he comes home soon.

Megilon said...

Email is such a blessing. Although it is not the same as having him home.

Hope he comes home soon!!

A Beautiful Life said...

been there..AM there, sigh...that is a sweet post though and i agree with Candace, do you not sweat when you run? cuz i'm truly jealous of you more now. ;)
thank GOODNESS for technology like email and video chat!!


Rachel said...

I am so HERE as well. It feels like they are gone forever.

Nicole Dianne said...

i love this post! my day is almost identical to yours :D

p.s. thanks for grabbing the nice to meet another going through a deployment! hang in there love!

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